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Make quality VR games easily with a user-friendly VR interaction system. Includes an automatic posing system that figures out what pose a hand should take when grabbing and many more interaction tools
Auto Hand includes an automatic pose generation system that will configure a hand’s shape on grab. It works well with all primitive colliders and mesh colliders!
It comes with a fully loaded movement controller that includes smooth movement, teleporting, climbing, and static head collision guard systems.
- Major Quality and Performance Update!
- Includes Rootmotion FinalIK Demo
- Editor Pose Tool for easy custom pose designing
- Hand Grab Projection
- Hand Projection Highlight
- High-Quality Physics Touch Interaction
- Automatic Grab Pose Solver
- Smooth Animation, Grabbable-to-Hand, and Instant Grab Options
- Advanced Saved Grab Pose Options
- Distance Grabbing System
- Pose Area Driver
- Accurate Throwing
- Catching
- Smashing Events
- Finger Sway Options
- Haptic Support
- Held Pose Animations
- Custom Stable Held Joints
- Gentle Grab Option
- Weightless Grabbable Options
- Weight/Mass On Grabbables
- Multi-Handed Grabbing
- One-Handed Item Swapping
- Instant Grabbing or Timed Grabbing
- Highlighting Material Option and Events
- Grab/Release/Squeeze/Unsqueeze Events
- Pull-Apart Events
- Velocity Based Sound Examples
- Haptic Support
Rigidbody Movement System
- Rigidbody Movement System
- Head Collision
- Climbing (with body throwing)
- Body Pushing
- Platforms
- Flying
- Stepping/Slopes
- Height/Crouching
- Teleporter
- Automatic Height Smoothing
Additional Features
- Customizable gun example with slide and clip logic
- Dispensor Point Driver
- Magnetic Force Examples
- Cabinet / Drawer Example
- Grenade Example
- Examples for Physics Button, Lever, Slider, Dial, Wheel, and Door w/ Handle
- UI Interaction System
- Hand Collision Touch Event Driver
- Hand Trigger Area Event Driver
- Stabbing Examples
- Stickies Examples
- Place Point Driver
- Throw Collision Event Driver
- Smashing and Smashee Event Drivers
- Low-Performance Impact
- Setup Wizard
- Robust UnityEvent/Event Support
- Well Documented Code and Tooltips
Includes examples for popular input systems
- Unity XR Input
- Unity OpenXR Action Input
- SteamVR (With Index Finger Bending Example)
- Oculus Integration (With Finger Tracking Example)