Category: Tools

2D Dungeon Tileset

Overview: Set of tiles that can be used to create top-down games. It is very…

Procedural Generation Grid (Beta)

Overview Speed up your level design process many times over. Generate infinitely customized levels procedurally…

Mega Scatter

Overview: MegaScatter is a procedural object placer that gives you the freedom to create complex,…

YAPP – Yet Another Prefab Painter

Overview YAPP is another accomplished painter. With YAPP, you can easily and quickly deploy all…

2D Neon Grids

Overview 2D Neon Grids allows the creation of 2D grid patterns with an assortment of…

3D Font Engine

Package Details: Just add prefab and generate your text instantly. Features: Real 3D letters, can…

Ignis – Interactive Fire – URP/HDRP

Overview Want to play with fire? Convert any object, vegetation, or skinned mesh into a…

Drone Controller PRO

Overview: Drone controller with a 3rd-view camera following the drone Using the new Unity Input…

Direction Indicator 3D/2D

Description Direction Indicator: A simple and versatile system that can be used to show direction…

Hierarchy 4

Hierarchy 4 is an editor extension to improve the hierarchy window. It makes the hierarchy…

Text Animator for Unity

Description: Text Animator for Unity is a powerful and flexible tool that brings your texts…

Puzzler for HORROR FPS KIT

Description Create puzzles with ease by utilizing the built-in puzzle types, Let Puzzler do all…