
Sci Fi Top Down Game Template 2.2

This is a paid asset, but now you can download it totally free from our site with high speed. However, please keep in mind that this package is only provided for studying or testing the product prior to purchasing it, not for business functions.

Asset Including:

  • Soldier character model, with customizable colors by shader.
  • 2 weapons models (Pistol & Rifle)
  • There are lots of animations.
  • Complete character controller and Inventory script using mouse, keyboard or Joystick to control the player
  • Fully customizable Weapons component, where you can change from Fire Rate to Accuracy (divergence) and selectable bullet prefabs, velocity, how many bullets per shot, and more…
  • Four PREMADE weapons (Pistol, Rifle, Rocket Launcher and shotgun)
  • Player HUD: Health, Stamina, weapons stats (weapon icon, bullets and clips counters)
  • Objective radar included on player (Direction and distance)
  • Standard camera Rig follows player slowly with parametric camera shakes for shooting and explosions
  • Pick up actor for items (Weapons, keys, Health or Ammo)
  • Automatic Doors, lockeables and customizables (singles and doubles)
  • Interactuable panels to use in different situations, like opening doors or activating anything in the scene.
  • Basic Enemy AI using waypoints and Unity Nav Meshes
  • Enemy Spawner component, with basic parameters like spawn rate, max spawn, spawn area, and more…
  • Waypoint route component to create the enemy waypoints routes easily, assigning transforms to an array and visualizing everything you need in the editor


Unarmed set

  • Run
  • walk
  • Sprint
  • Idle
  • Crouch
  • Crouch walk

Pistol set

  • Run
  • Walk
  • Sprint
  • Idle
  • Crouch
  • Crouched walk
  • Aim
  • Walk, Aiming in 4 directions
  • Shoot
  • Crouched Aim
  • Crouched Shoot

Rifle set

  • Run
  • Walk
  • Sprint
  • Idle
  • Crouch
  • Crouched walk
  • Crouched Aim
  • Crouched Shoot
  • Aim
  • Walk, aiming in 4 directions
  • Shoot

Generic set

  • Death
  • Jump (3 states)
  • Interact
  • Pickup
  • Throw granede Roll
  • Reload

Features v2.2:

  • Added Minimap
  • Added Loot to enemies
  • bug fixing and more small features

Download Links:

Download Sci Fi Top Down Game Template v2.2 (Latest Version)

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